WALiB-Live! was the artistic expression of the theme “We All Live in Bhopal” through dance, poetry, song, comedy, and short videos. The staged performance took place on Dec 6, 2014 at the Subterranean Arthouse in Berkeley.  WALiB Live! was part of a series of events commemorating 30 years of the Union Carbide Gas Disaster in Bhopal in Berkeley.

In addition to promoting solidarity with survivors and their children, “We All Live in Bhopal” offered the 1984 Union Carbide Gas Disaster as a lens to bring into focus the widespread ecological and humanitarian injuries resulting from our global community’s prioritization of profit over environmental and human safety.

In addition to WALiB-Live!, the “We All Live in Bhopal” commemorative events include film screenings, an art exhibition, panel discussions, and a game show called “Name That Corporation.” These events were presented by Beyond Holistic, a nonprofit focused on primary prevention through healing, arts, action, humor, and medicine. For a complete list of events, click here.

Effective social and political change is inspired by culture and arts that encourage us to feel, think, and live differently. A warm thank you to all who joined us and were touched, moved, and inspired.

Performances featured:

Brigitte Chataignier: BHOPAL BLUE, a dance video

Christine Germain and Dancers: “December 3rd  1984”, contemporary dance

Judith Kajiwara and Oneness Butoh: “Ode to Minamata”, Butoh dance

Leslie Schneider, Ben Kunin, Aharon Wheels Bolsta: “Zahreeli Hawa”, Hindustani classical ghazal

Megan Dogra: short documentary film

Samson Koletkar: stand-up comedy

Stan Sprague: poetry

Terry Allan: “Flames not Flowers“, a short video

Videos from the performance:

Bhopal Blue, a creation by Brigitte Chataignier (work in progress/english version) from Compagnie Prana on Vimeo.