I Really Don't Know How to Fly

I really don’t know how to fly,

Photo Credit: Yvonne M. Portra

how to spread my wings wide, 

and let currents of air and time

scoop my armpits 

to lift my small body,

my small life,

to the vast, open sky


I tried for countless hours, 

for many years,

to fling my body 

from the rust-colored faux-leather hassock

dragged from the living room

to one end of the hallway

that ran between the bedrooms,

mirrored at both ends

to see myself ad infinitum

into the future, into the past 

in the home in which I was raised 

and lifted

but didn’t learn how to fly 


jump, dive, suspend, fall

jump, dive, suspend, fall

jump, dive, suspend, fall

rinse, repeat

again, again, ad infinitum

along the length of the narrow hallway, 

as far as possible,

without crashing into the floor or the walls


But crashing was, 

and remains essential

for lift-off,

for the release 

from gravity’s hold,

for flight,

propelled by intention, strength, 

and courage

The lack of the latter my tether


This applies to turning upside down too,

Photo Credit: Yvonne M. Portra

to bear my body’s weight on my arms, 

to dangle and swing my legs 

in the air overhead,

to risk collapse 

a bump on the top of my head,

an overshoot, an undershoot,

scraped knees, banged elbows, 

flat out embarrassment,

those were simple wounds,

easy to heal 


To live my world,

to see my life 

from multiple perspectives,

inverted, topsy-turvy,

from a bird’s eye view,

or down the long tunnel

of the sweep and span of a lifetime

I needed to risk a dis-arming, 

a falling into my arms,

or perhaps another’s


To soar is to sacrifice

security, stability, the ground

beneath my feet, 

the semblance of strength,

the walls of support,

the affirming nods of those 

who love the walls, the floors

the apparent boundaries 

that surround me so safely


Screw safety. 


Punk Angel Kathleen #KKForever #CarryTheTorch

Once, actually again and again,

over so many years,

a mere mortal,

no, a fierce angel, 

with golden, floppy, asymmetric hair, 

shining cerulean eyes, 

skinny, strong legs, 

and flexible, pointable feet,

a radiance open to every aspect 

of every being and all of life,

with wings for arms, 

who knew how to fly,

who, in fact, flies on a daily basis,

who has flown,

is flying at this very moment,

whose lightness of being,

vastness of heart,

freedom of thought,

curiosity of mind,

defies gravity, 

flips safety 

on its head,

this angel

welcomed me to fly, 


Year after year,

my capacity for trying,

my potential for flying, 

if not with my body, 

at least with my life

affirmed and witnessed.


This punk angel believed

I could and would


even if I never did or will


I didn't need to believe I can’t


spread my wings  

from tip to tip, with

a wideness originating

behind the center of my sternum,

in the inner sanctum of my heart,

extending beyond the edges of my universe,

responding, adapting, creating

receiving, processing, transforming, transmitting

the lift and sway of the currents of my life

swooping, inverting, soaring

to see and be everything I already am. 

-jaysi, dec 2020,


in grateful grief, appreciation, and memory of Kathleen Hermesdorf

#KKForever #CarryTheTorch #PunkAngel