
I believe in promises, even the broken ones

I believe in the power of my word, even those mumbled to myself

I believe in the power of my smile to melt my own heart

I believe in the twinkle of my eye to put the skip in my step

I believe in the value of doubt, even in myself

I believe in the cutting front-facing edge of this moment

I believe in leading this moment forward by the crook of its nose towards the light, as a mint vine reaches for the sun

I believe in sticking to my breath and letting the path unfold before me

I believe any movement is forward

I believe in process over outcome

I believe in context over content

I believe I can’t get it wrong because nothing is irreparable because anything is possible

I believe in curiosity and following my nose

I believe in sniffing each other out and taking many spins around the block, moons around planets twirling in galaxies into infinity

I believe in pre-emptive forgiveness

I believe I can’t rush a mango to ripeness

I believe in listening to learn and learning to love

I believe in courageous and kind honesty

I believe in playing with integrity and keeping my eye on the ball

I believe turtle wins the race

I believe in laughter–snickers, groans and full bellied ones alike

I believe in puns, intended and otherwise

I believe in birthing and giving life to the entire range of human experiences, allowing them to pass on when their lives are fulfilled

I believe in expansion, and temporary contractions

I believe everything is a blessing, even getting kicked out or called home

I believe the story is never over

I believe there is no such thing as death

I believe in all the universes of universes there is only life changing forms

I believe life is love made visible

I believe everything is in divine order, always

I believe beliefs are not facts

I believe all my joy and suffering stems from my beliefs, not from any facts

I believe facts are the afterthoughts of every notion that came before them, like the ripples of every pebble ever tossed

I believe facts are like the ground beneath me; as I live forward into my life, I can ignore them

I believe beliefs create my current experience, and my imagination calls forth my future

I believe beliefs change, along with everything else, including facts 

I believe in not believing, rather knowing only my lived experience

—jaysi, oct 2020


p.s. I can’t believe how many poems are out there titled I Believe!